Thursday, October 29, 2009

Global Warming Day

Today in class we watched the presentation of the other groups on their opinion on global warming. Some of the groups believed it was a problem, and other groups believed it wasn't a problem. I personally believe that it is a problem, and soon it will really catch up to the resat of the world. Hopefully, we can try and help prevent a small amount of the damage being done. The groups mainly talked about how it effects earth, people, and animals. I think that it effects each element at the same amount. The polar bears do no have the ice bearings anymore, because they are all melting. The earth for humans is becoming unhealthy. It s becoming unhealthy because the air is getting polluted from all the gases in the atmosphere. Humans are making global warming a bigger problem by littering and using so much gas for cars, planes, etc. In the days that we are living now we would need to energy cars to try and help stop global warming. That invention would probably be hard, but it is not impossible. I think that the century we are living in now will only make it worse. With all the new technology, food productions, etc, is destined to make global warming harder to cure.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Powerpoint of Global Warming.

Today in class we got into groups to discuss our opinion on global warming. My opinion is that global warming is a problem. I believe that it is hurting out earth and we need to take control. Global warming can effect the earth itself, and the people who live on it. For our assignment we have to discuss of opinions, whether for or against and state some arguments. We have to support our opinions with facts, statistics, and arguments. I think this project will be interesting to see what everyone else feels and thinks. I am excited to see how every one's presentations will turn out and what they think about the issue.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today's Class 10-27-09

Today in class we basically reviewed. We went over the gloablization test and filled in all the answeres. It was so funny because it was the first class and no one was answering anything except Bryant. Everyone must have been so tired, like I was. Hopefully I will get a good grade on the exam because we were talking about it today. Other than reviewing we did nothing. We talked about related subjects.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Global Warming

The causes of global warming can come from many things. The causes can either come from earth itself of from people on earth. For each cause there are causes inside of each one. The earth is causing problems for itself. This happens when gases are released into the atmosphere. When gas goes into the atmosphere, it destroys the layer that protects the earth, making global warming on earth.the gas that is going into the atmosphere is called the greenhouse gas. Besides the earth creating its own problems, the people on the earth can make global warming too. People cause global warming because of the new way of life, there is more transportation, food, and new technology. All these things uses resources. Where do you think all these things come from? From all the cars traveling the is thousands of gas going into the air and hurting the environment. Also, new technology takes down all the natural resources like trees,etc. The food, also takes away from the natural supply of food. A result of the food industry can be littering. Littering makes trash and that trash goes into the ground and makes bad soil. With bad soil you cannot grow anything, and the environment and atmosphere gets worse. Lastly, burning things releases gases that are bad for the atmosphere too.

Global Warming effects the whole earth and the lives of the people on earth. A main effect of global warming is the climate change. The climate will change and can produce storms, hurricanes, etc. This can also effect the oceans, glaciers, and sea level rise. Global Warming effects an equal amount of the environment. When the gases are in the atmosphere it effects the air that the people are breathing in. Breathing in unhealthy air can give people health problems. Also, when it effects nature, it can effect the animals, and resources.

There are many controversies over global warming. Many people feel like it is ruining the world and the things around it. People try to do things that help the environment and the atmosphere, while others do not. Without the ozone layer and atmosphere we cannot live a healthy life. Global Warming is a big part of letting us live healthy lives. Many people do not realize the impact on what their actions are doing to the earth they are living on. While others do care and want to make a difference. There are arguments on global warming, saying that it is not important and it will not effect them. Others believe that it is important and it will affect them ina big way.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Today's Class 10-22-09

In class today we watched the powerpoints of the other groups about the climate. SOme powerpoints were good and some were bad. Haha. It was a very boring class.

Solar Energy
○ It uses natural resources to help the environment.
○ There is radiation that is trapped by the clouds which makes life possible on earth.
○ Without solar energy we do not have the sun to make crops and food.
○ Clouds and wind can prevent the suns energy from reaching the earth.

○ This goes from north to south.
○ Where you are determines what your climate is going to be

Interaction btwn Land and Water
○ The oceans give the climate

Global Pressure Patterns
○ The earth is overly heated
○ Enlarged cells produce rainless summers
§ Oceanic cells
○ Depended in the pressure give you what temperature you are going to get.
○ Hurricanes are in the Caribbean and North America.
○ There is different patterns depending on the area.

Wind Patterns
○ Different types of wind patterns
○ Air flows from high to low pressures
○ In the winter the opposite happens

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today's Class

Today in class, we did out group projects. My group goe the interaction between water and land. We did that in class. Besides that we took notes on Global Controls. Its interesting how the climate can determine many different things in society. We also read a little bit, took notes and then did our projects. That's pretty much all we did.

• The world needs food.
• Climate determines what food is grown in a particular area
• Culture, economy, and technology makes the people adapt to the weather and climate
• Socioeconomic- means economy for the social aspect.
• Repercussions- the effects of a decision or consequences.
• Climate links us in our globalized economy.
• Meteorological processes are complicated.

Climate Controls
○ Five main factors influence climate
§ Solar energy
§ Latitude
§ Interaction btwn land and water
§ World pressure systems
§ Global wind patterns

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Finishing the Video

We finished the video today and it was a real shocker. I could not believe the things I heard and saw. Thousands of lives were taken and thousands were left homeless. It was very sad how all those people had to go through a horrible experience like that. This makes me really think if that happened to me, I would be left with nothing, and I would be devastated. I cannot even image what the whole city went through on that day. It breaks my heart to see all those people left with nothing and to know that they cannot go back to their beloved home that they once had. It was also interesting because the levies that the government tried to use to protect the city did not even work. There was more interesting things like why didn't the government warn the citizens that a huge storm was coming. I am asking myself that why would those people want to stay in a place where a huge storm is coming and there is a chance they can die. Many things crossed my mind when I was watching the video. It must have taken so much money to try and fix the hurricane damage. There is still damage that is still in New Orleans. New Orleans still has a lot of work to do in rebuilding their city; if they even rebuild it. There are pros and cons to this situation. Hopefully the government and people can make a good decision on the future of New Orleans.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Global Warming

•"In a joint statement with 10 other National Academies of Science, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences said: "The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action. It is vital that all nations identify cost-effective steps that they can take now, to contribute to substantial and long-term reduction in net global greenhouse gas emissions."—Joint Statement of Science Academies: Global Response to Climate Change, 2005 "
•"The American Geophysical Union, a respected organization comprising over 41,000 Earth and space scientists, wrote in its position on climate change that "natural influences cannot explain the rapid increase in global near-surface temperatures observed during the second half of the 20th century."

These statements show that the greenhouse effect can have different effects on the world. Also, that the two different organizations have 2 different opinions. They say that the climate can give an effect on the global temps. This issue has a different impact on different people's opinion and or organizations.

Hurricane Katrina Notes

• Katrina was going to be a killer storm
• Many people haven't eaten, slept, or have had a shower
• 120 mile per hour winds
• There was half a million homeless
• Begins as a tropical depression
• Heat and energy from the warm water gets released into the air, making severe winds
• 61,ooo dead people- hurricane Ivan
• The weather consistently shifts
• They have categories of dangerous storms, 1 to 5
• Monday, August 29,2005, is when the hurricane Katrina occurs
• what was going through the citizen's minds when they saw huge waves and tons of water coming fast at them?
• What was their first reaction?
• Who was the first person to come to your mind when you knew the hurricane was occurring.
• Most of the deaths were drowning.
• they now have levies and solid concrete walls that block floods
• Since the animals could not do anything, did they all die?
• Many people evacuated and many people didn't
• Other people didn't have the resources or means to leave.
• The walls of the houses would shake and make loud noises
• How come the poorer people are the ones that do not get any help

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Clash Day 10-15-09

Today was clash day for spirit week. It is really funny seeing all the different people get wacked out with their clothes. Its very interesting and funny. Anyway today in Human Geo all we did is catch up on work. Since I didn't have anything to catch up on, haha, I got to do anything. It was ok, but it was boring. Hopefully we can do something more fun next class, like we always do.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10- 13-09

Today in class we took a test. I thought the test was pretty easy, hopefully I got a good grade. Mr. Schick kept telling me that i was going to get a 100, so hopefully that will happen. Other than that we waited half the time and talked. A couple people fell asleep, it was really funny. Another funny and sometimes boring Human geo class. Haha.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Today 10-12-09


Friday's Class

In class Friday we watched to presentations of the different countries. It was interesting to see all the different aspects from the groups topics. There was some new information that I didn't know, and their was some information that my group researched. I was surprised at how much corn and rice were used around the World. I knew that China's main source of food was rice. Many poor countries have rice, because that's all they can get and afford. Crops just didn't play a role in people's lives, but so did animals. Goats and cows are a big part of some countries lifestyle. They can plow, give meat, milk, and fur to the people. Many different elements play roles in countries. I thought that my group did a good job on our project and presentation.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today 10-8-09

Today's class was a blur. The whole class we were finishing our project. We were supposed to be finishing the first twenty minutes, but of course that didn't happen. It was so funny how a couple groups had searched the same thing and let out a part, that happened to our group. I also thought that the project was a blur too. It went by so fast, so did this short week. Hopefully we can finish the projects tottally and do something that is more slow and interesting. Today's class felt like it was 10 minutes long! All we did ws finish our projects. How Sad!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Movie Notes

• Goats and sheep were the first to be domesticated.
• For their meat and to plow.
• they are still doing many things by hand like hunting and gathering and plowing.
• Domesticated- animals that are controlled by people to do jobs or work
• Over 2 million different animals
• Most are carnivores which are mat eaters.
• Which means that they have to domesticate other animals for them first.
• 148 animals that weigh over 100 pounds.
• 14 animals that can be successfully domesticated.
○ Goats
○ Sheep
○ Pigs
○ Cows
○ Horses
○ Donkeys
○ 2 kinds of camels
○ Water buffalo
○ Llama
○ Reindeer
○ Yaks
○ 2 other kinds of cattle
• None of the animals relatives are native to New Guinea or Australia
• llamas are found in South America
• The rest are from Asia, Europe, and Africa
• Became the fertile crescent.
○ Animals
○ Wheat
• They made plaster from limestone.
• Steel is now used around the World for many different reasons.
• Food surplus was one of their biggest problems.
• There main goal was to have enough food for the next days.
• Westerners came and used their technology to colonized the country.
• The climate was to dry and the ecology was bad.
• Americans consume 20 million lbs of wheat every year.
• Some people do not live planting and gathering all the time.
• There are cars and clothes too.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Guinea End of Video

Today in class we finished watching the video on New Guinea. The end of it was very interesting. We learned that the have many resources to use, but at some point they are not useful. Also, that the climate got really dry and they had to more from place to place and the plants will die. Because of this they had to use animals to help them with their work. People had to domesticate the animals so they would know what to do during the farming. They said that there is over 2 million different animals and only 14 of them can be domesticated. This means that the animals are trained to do specific work. New Guineans use elephants, goats, sheep, pigs, llamas, cows, cattle, and other useful animals. We also saw that in Papaya New Guinea there are other people that don't just farm and make things everyday, there are cars, airports, etc. Just because they farm all day and crop that doesn't mean that they are totally different from the outside world. Many people are hunters and gatherers. From the CIA Factbook, it shows that they have a bad health care system because many people have AIDS or HIV. Also, there is a higher literacy rate for men than women. I think this is interesting because usually men are the ones that like to let the women do everything. I think this is happening because men have to provide for the family with food and supplies, in order to do that they need to be able to talk to others, communicate, and be able to actually know what they have to get and find. In New Guinea there life depends on nature and its resources. They get all their food from plants and crops, so they use seeds, animals, and dirt to make their houses. New Guineans have a tough life, but I bet you that they would not change it for the World.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The New Guinea Video Reflection

When I watched to video, I had many question going through my mind. In one part, the kids had clothes and in the other they didn't. I wondered if they had anything else to do besides hunting. They hunted alot because that was one of their many sources of food, besides the food from the tree. I also thought if if was healthy eating from a tree. I asked myself why are they so poor, and we are so jealous that we cannot help the poor countries that really need it. Many things went through my mind of how they can provide for themselves with using nature as their main source. I asked myself if they ever thought about the US, or if they even wanted to move to the US. I feel so bad for people in the poor countries because they have no resources, money, or technology. Its weird knowing that if the poor people switched lives with us they would not know how to live and vice versa. Its pretty sad how some people do not know how do do simple things using sticks and things, and people in New Guinea, that all they do on a daily basis.

New Guinea Notes

• They lived in groups and loved place where they could feed themselves
Nomads- hunter gatherers
• Wild sego- is an important food there
• Women do the gathering
• There was a drought for more than 1,000 years
• They found a village underground and they believe it was their for half 11,000 yrs
• granary was built to hold grain like wheat and barley
• They were the first farmers in the world.
• Plant domestication means to change crops.
• When they stored grain, it made it stay fresh and not get bad.
• Poor people are mostly fat because of what they eat, they eat carbs, and unhealthy food.
• Farming and the type of farming was important to their lives