Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Guinea End of Video

Today in class we finished watching the video on New Guinea. The end of it was very interesting. We learned that the have many resources to use, but at some point they are not useful. Also, that the climate got really dry and they had to more from place to place and the plants will die. Because of this they had to use animals to help them with their work. People had to domesticate the animals so they would know what to do during the farming. They said that there is over 2 million different animals and only 14 of them can be domesticated. This means that the animals are trained to do specific work. New Guineans use elephants, goats, sheep, pigs, llamas, cows, cattle, and other useful animals. We also saw that in Papaya New Guinea there are other people that don't just farm and make things everyday, there are cars, airports, etc. Just because they farm all day and crop that doesn't mean that they are totally different from the outside world. Many people are hunters and gatherers. From the CIA Factbook, it shows that they have a bad health care system because many people have AIDS or HIV. Also, there is a higher literacy rate for men than women. I think this is interesting because usually men are the ones that like to let the women do everything. I think this is happening because men have to provide for the family with food and supplies, in order to do that they need to be able to talk to others, communicate, and be able to actually know what they have to get and find. In New Guinea there life depends on nature and its resources. They get all their food from plants and crops, so they use seeds, animals, and dirt to make their houses. New Guineans have a tough life, but I bet you that they would not change it for the World.

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