Sunday, October 25, 2009

Global Warming

The causes of global warming can come from many things. The causes can either come from earth itself of from people on earth. For each cause there are causes inside of each one. The earth is causing problems for itself. This happens when gases are released into the atmosphere. When gas goes into the atmosphere, it destroys the layer that protects the earth, making global warming on earth.the gas that is going into the atmosphere is called the greenhouse gas. Besides the earth creating its own problems, the people on the earth can make global warming too. People cause global warming because of the new way of life, there is more transportation, food, and new technology. All these things uses resources. Where do you think all these things come from? From all the cars traveling the is thousands of gas going into the air and hurting the environment. Also, new technology takes down all the natural resources like trees,etc. The food, also takes away from the natural supply of food. A result of the food industry can be littering. Littering makes trash and that trash goes into the ground and makes bad soil. With bad soil you cannot grow anything, and the environment and atmosphere gets worse. Lastly, burning things releases gases that are bad for the atmosphere too.

Global Warming effects the whole earth and the lives of the people on earth. A main effect of global warming is the climate change. The climate will change and can produce storms, hurricanes, etc. This can also effect the oceans, glaciers, and sea level rise. Global Warming effects an equal amount of the environment. When the gases are in the atmosphere it effects the air that the people are breathing in. Breathing in unhealthy air can give people health problems. Also, when it effects nature, it can effect the animals, and resources.

There are many controversies over global warming. Many people feel like it is ruining the world and the things around it. People try to do things that help the environment and the atmosphere, while others do not. Without the ozone layer and atmosphere we cannot live a healthy life. Global Warming is a big part of letting us live healthy lives. Many people do not realize the impact on what their actions are doing to the earth they are living on. While others do care and want to make a difference. There are arguments on global warming, saying that it is not important and it will not effect them. Others believe that it is important and it will affect them ina big way.

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