Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Migration Patterns

○ There are 190 million people that live somewhere other than their birth country. Migrants are people who leave their country to live somewhere else.

○ Money drives people to go other places for bigger and better things, causing Globalization.

○ The 190 million people, 1/3 of them ended up in either Japan, Germany, the US, France, Canada, Italy, or the United Kingdom.

○ People who migrate go to places that are developed and have jobs to offer them and money.

○ Migrants also leave because of war, persecution, famine, and environmental destruction.

○ Officials believe that an estimate that some 35 million people should be considered refugees, more than half of these are in Africa and western Asia.

○ Refugee- a person who flees their country because of a well founded fear of persecution, race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, or political affiliation.

○ Push factors make people leave because of unemployment, civil strife, environmental degradation.

○ Pull factors are what brings people to their country like better economic opportunity or health services, attract migrants to a certain location.

○ Two different types of migration
§ Immigrant- to come into a different place
§ Emigrant- to leave your country and go to another.
§ Net migration rate- a statistic that depicts whether more people are entering or leaving a country.

○ More people are leaving Mexico than coming in, -2.65

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